We have to let go to Enter In

April 29, 2024

Matthew 10:39

If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it.

               We Have to Let Go to Enter In

               This word is not to condemn us, but rather to exhort us to greater vision and higher purpose.  Many of us are well meaning Christians  who love the Lord and are honestly endeavoring to serve and please Him, but it is in the way that is comfortable and convenient for us.  We in America still have our comfortable nests that facilitate our life styles and creature comforts.  While our nests have been ruffled to some degree, at this point we see what may be coming, but we haven’t yet experienced the full brunt of the storm.  Many of our Christian brothers and sisters in other countries have not only experienced the storm, but are living in it.  They have had to come to a choice of which life they are going to cling too and which one they are going to give up.  Most of us, quite frankly, haven’t really come to that place of decision.  As a result, we endeavor to embrace both lives to one degree or another.  It is because of this place that many of us dwell in a state of lethargy, complacency and apathy concerning our full pursuit of the kingdom of God and a purpose driven life that we are existing in, outside of the perfect will of God.  Our lives are still pretty much motivated and driven according to our own purpose.  We are content to pursue, pray and believe for the blessings of God, but are often unwilling to enter into the training and discipline of the army of God that is preparing and entering into spiritual warfare by appropriating the resources of the kingdom of God to bring that kingdom into the earth.  We still have our little compartments for “God time” and “me time”. 

               Unfortunately, for most of us, it may take a radical life changing event to shift us into just which life we are going to cling too and which life we are going to give up.  I speak this to myself as well as anyone else, we have been living in a state of compromise.  That is why we see impotency of our faith.  The results of our faith are watered down just like the faith that we live. 

               I’ll be honest with you, I am disheartened by the in-part results that I see in our Christian faith.  I don’t see that power and authority revealed that I believe that Father has made available to us and I believe it is us robbing ourselves because of the level of commitment that is in much of our faith.  I see it in myself and I see it in others. 

               What would our army be like and how effective or successful would they be if they only fought when they felt like it or obeyed orders if they wanted too or only showed up when it worked into their schedule?  What I am describing is God’s army in us.  Is it any wonder that we meet with such a small level of success? 

               The Holy Spirit is not in the business of condemnation, but He does exhort us to godliness and good works.  I am not talking about earning our righteousness, but rather being the righteousness of God by lives that are sold out in faith to Him. 

               Have we really defined which life we are saving and losing?  Perhaps we have mentally, but how about in the reality of how we live and purpose our lives? 

               The people most likely to survive the killer storms are the ones who have prepared themselves for it.  We are talking spiritually here and not just physically.  There is no time in the middle of the storm or the battle to learn and practice proper warfare and survival; those are the preparations the wise man makes before they come. 

               This is the final hour of preparation and we must shed our apathy and complacency.  We must have an ear to hear the trumpet sounding and prepare for battle.  If we really want to save our lives then we must learn to lose our life in pursuit of His. 



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