Do You Hear the Trumpet?

June 21, 2024

1 Corinthians 14:8

Again, if the trumpet does not sound a clear call, who will get ready for battle?

Do You Hear the Trumpet?

     The battle is mine says that Lord, but who will go out with Me?  Who will arise from complacency and leave off from their agenda to make the Lord their continual agenda?  Who sees into the future, but makes no effort to prepare for it?  The Lord is sounding the trumpet in Zion, but do we have spiritual ears to hear it or have we become deaf from the noise of the natural world around us?

      It is important to come apart into the high places, the place of communion and fellowship with the Father.  There in the quiet place, the secret place of the Most High, we can humble ourselves before Him that we might hear the trumpet that he is sounding and hear with clarity the message for this time and this hour.  Those who can never hear the trumpet and the message of its sound will never respond to it, and many that do hear will not respond, because it doesn’t fit in with where they are in their lives. 

     There was a time when God sounded a trumpet to believers to come out of Jerusalem before Rome laid siege and destroyed it. Many heard the message, but it wasn’t convenient for some, so they staid where they were and perished.  God’s Word is always a message of life and hope, but only to those who receive it by faith and act upon it.  God’s called out ones will consist of those who are willing to hear His trumpet and respond to it.  They will be the ones who are mighty and do exploits, because their agenda is to be aligned with God’s agenda and not their own. 

      God is calling us out today and if we want to move in the river of God’s life and purpose then we have to jump in and abandon ourselves to Him.  He has not sounded the trumpet to give us fear, but to give us hope, purpose and direction.  It is only fearful if we miss what Father is doing in this hour.  If we are sons, then we are led by the Spirit and we live out of the Spirit.  God is sounding the trumpet. Get ready for battle, get in alignment and fall in rank with where He has called you to be.  Just as a soldier’s life is not His own, neither is our life our own.  We belong to the One who called us out of darkness and bought us with the price of His blood.  Listen to and obey the discipline and instruction of the Holy Spirit.  In obedience your true life is preserved and in faithfulness you will be kept in the day of battle.  Moreover, you will triumphant in the day of battle.



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