A Time of Release

January 5, 2015

Malachi 4:2
But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall.

A Time of Release

We have come into a time of release in our spirits when we thrust ourselves with a spiritual leap into the heartbeat of God. It is a time spirit of inspired activity and no longer complacency and waiting. Let us be bold to step out of our comfort zones, moving out in the Spirit by faith, abandoning our natural fears, as we trust Holy Spirit to take us where we have never gone before. Let faith arise in your hearts. Be bold as lions, wise as serpents and harmless as doves. This is a day of position for the kingdom of God. A day to bring our hearts and lives in right alignment with who we are and where we are going.
Let the old fall to the ground, leave all behind and come and follow Him. His government is rising and being placed upon the shoulders of His true church. His bride is being adorned and made ready. The bridegroom is coming forth and His radiance even now beginning to shine upon those who believe and are operating out of His light and direction.
Throw your head and your arms back and leap with all of your soul into the heavenly realm of His grace and being. We are abandoning the old ways, paradigms and religious, human designed ways of doing things. Don’t fear being unconventional, for we are not coming into a place where we are concerned with pleasing men, but pleasing our God. God is giving new direction and new instruction. Let us press into Him with spiritual sensitivity to His leading and direction. Rise up out of your pew and put feet to your faith and hands to your love. Speak the words of life and the Father’s love into the humanity around you. Impact their lives with Father’s love that is beating through your heart.
No longer are we in a day of sedentary religion, but Father is activating His body into spiritual action and assignment. What He is doing through one may be way different than what He is doing through another, so get your assignment and direction from the Holy Spirit, then act upon it.
Indeed, He is releasing us from the stall and from the barn and we will be like those leaping calves released from the stall, because the Sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. Not only shall we be healed, but we will carry His healing and salvation to the nations.
Behold, in this hour you are to become a wonder. We are breaking the bonds of earth as we leap into our heavenly vision and calling. Arise and leap and bound as a hart over the hills. He is putting His spiritual spring in your legs to bound over what were formerly difficult circumstances. He is energizing with spiritual vitality and stamina to leap in heavenly places and run in difficult terrain.
“Take joy My Church, for the Spirit of the Lord is coming upon you with abounding joy. Your delight and pleasure is no longer in the World, but in Me. Come unto Me all of you that wish to be activated and sent forth with power and authority.”


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